Saturday, June 21, 2008

Helping out

I just LOVE animals just like we have to take care of our pets we also have to take care of the wildlife around us. That means take care of animals and the environment. This is something really important to me and it should be just as important to you. So help out in your community plant a few seeds learn stuff about animals you never knew before. You are probably thinking what about people less fortunate then us, that is something important too, but we have doctors to help and that stuff and but vets don't always help wild animals. And there isn't a doctor for the Earth, so let's get together and solve this problem.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


We are in the process of making a magazine. E mail your address to or to subscribe the 1st copy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This won't cost anything. But you will have chances to make donations. Thanks for your time. I'll post when we have it set and ready.


I learned that the scientific name for a elephant is Elephas maximus.
That's pretty cool to know.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Adorable Puppies

Look at these adorable puppies.


My brother and I planted some plants, his is the red pot mine is the yellow pot. I'm growing daisies and he's growing tomatoes. I will post more photos so you can see their progress.

My Dog

Hey, look at my dog isn't he cute!

Animal of the Week

I have decided that the animal of the week is where if you know any interesting facts about an animal you can comment on this post and tell me the interesting fact (s) or if you want to know an interesting fact, if you give me an interesting fact tell me if you want me to publish it as a post, if you do I will publish it as a post if you want it to be anonymous tell me but if you want your name shown tell me your name. Sorry I haven't told you what animal is the animal of the week. It is a Elephant. Here is a photo. To learn more about elephants and to help save them visit or search elephants.