Saturday, March 29, 2008

Polar Bears

Polar Bears are getting extinct because the ice is melting and they don't know how to swim so they drown, and global warming is causing the ice to melt. Do the best you can to help save them. I do have a way if you are wondering how to help them. Go to to see the website about our game website that is soon to come. If you choose a polar bear and become a member. Most of the money will go to polar bears in need. We are working hard to get the website ready we will post you on to tell you when the website is ready. Even though that will take a while you should still find other ways to help animals. you can send us a donation and what animal you want to send it to if you don't have a specific animal then you don't have to put an animal we will choose. To get information on how to send a donation visit Thanks for reading.